Terms and Conditions of the Website www.sofiia.org

As of 5/07/2022

  1. General Provisions
  2. Definitions
  3. Type and scope of electronic services
  4. Terms and conditions for the provision and conclusion of contracts for the provision of electronic services
  5. Conditions for termination of contracts for the provision of electronic services
  6. Complaint procedure
  7. Intellectual Property
  8. Miscellaneous
  9. Final provisions



  1. Website www.sofiia.org operates in accordance with the rules set out in these Terms and Conditions.2. The Terms and Conditions specify the types and scope of services provided electronically by the www.sofiia.org Party, the rules for the provision of these services, the terms and conditions for concluding and terminating contracts for the provision of electronic services.3. Each Service Recipient, upon taking steps to use the Electronic Services of the www.sofiia.org Website, is obliged to comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.4. In matters not regulated herein, the provisions of the Act on the provision of electronic services of 18 July 2002 (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended), the Act on Consumer Rights of 30 May 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended), the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93, as amended) and other relevant provisions of Polish law.


CONTACT FORM – forms available on the www.sofiia.org Website  enabling the Service  Recipient to contact the Service Provider directly and order contact from the Service Provider.

TERMS & CONDITIONS – these terms and conditions of the Website www.sofiia.org.

SERVICE PROVIDER – Firma Handlowa SOFIIA Sp. z o.o., registered office address: 11/F8 Szafarnia Street, 80-755 Gdańsk, Woj. pomorskie, Poland; Szafarnia 11/F8, 80-755 Gdansk, Woj. pomorskie, Poland entered into the register of entrepreneurs under KRS number: 0000901244, NIP: 5213929449, REGON: 389013900, info@sofiia.org, tel.: +48 531 005 649.

SERVICE RECIPIENT – a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, to which the Act grants legal capacity, using the Electronic Service.

ELECTRONIC SERVICE – a service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient via the Website.

NEWSLETTER – an Electronic Service that allows the Service Recipient to subscribe to and receive free information from the Service Provider to the e-mail address provided by the Service Recipient.

WEBSITE or WEBPAGE – a set of documents (including html files) and multimedia files available at a common https address: www.sofiia.org

TYPE AND SCOPE OF ELEKTRONIC SERVICES. The Service Provider enables the use of Electronic Services through the Website, such as:
1. use of the Contact Form,2. use of the Newsletter,3. browsing the knowledge base (instructional content in the form of text descriptions and multimedia content),4. browsing products available in the Service Provider’s branches.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE PROVISION AND CONCLUSION OF CONTRACTS FOR THE PROVISION OF ELEKTRONIC SERVICES. The provision of Electronic Services specified in Chapter 3.1 of the Terms and Conditions by the Service Provider is free of charge.2. The period for which the contract for the provision of electronic services is concluded: the agreement for the provision of the Electronic Service consisting in enabling the sending of a message via the Contact Form is concluded for a definite period of time and is terminated at the moment of sending the message or ceasing to send it by the Service Recipient, the agreement for the provision of the Electronic Service consisting in the use of the Newsletter is concluded for an indefinite period of time, 3. Technical requirements necessary for cooperation with the ICT system used by the Service Provider:
1. computer, mobile phone or other device with Internet access, 2. access to e-mail, 3. web browser supporting browsing pages and content in HTML5 and CSS format and playback of multimedia files, 4. enabling Cookies and Javascript in the web browser. 4. The Service Provider enables the Service Recipient to terminate the use of the Electronic Service at any time free of charge. 5. The Service Recipient is obliged to use the Website in a manner consistent with the law and good practice, taking into account the respect for personal rights and intellectual property rights of third parties.6. The Service Recipient is obliged to enter data consistent with the actual state.7. The Service Recipient is prohibited from introducing illegal content.


Termination of the agreement for the provision of the Electronic Service:
1. A contract for the provision of a continuous and indefinite Electronic Service (e.g. use of the Newsletter) may be terminated.2. The Service Recipient may terminate the agreement with immediate effect and without giving reasons by sending an appropriate statement via e-mail to the following address: info@sofiia.org , or by clicking on the link with the content “Unsubscribe from the newsletter” or similar content in the email.3. The Service Provider may terminate the contract for the provision of a continuous and indefinite Electronic Service in the event that the Service Recipient violates the Terms and Conditions, in particular when it provides illegal content, after an ineffective prior notice to cease the infringement with an appropriate deadline. In such a case, the agreement expires after 7 days from the date of submission of the declaration of intent to terminate it (notice period).4. Termination shall result in the termination of the legal relationship with effect for the future.
5. The Service Provider and the Service Recipient may terminate the agreement for the provision of the Electronic Service at any time by mutual agreement of the parties.

COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. Complaints related to the provision of Electronic Services via the Website may be submitted by the Service Recipient via e-mail to the following address: info@sofiia.org 2. In the above e-mail, you should provide as much information and circumstances as possible regarding the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of occurrence of the irregularity and contact details. The information provided will significantly facilitate and speed up the consideration of the complaint by the Service Provider.3. The complaint shall be considered by the Service Provider immediately, no later than within 14 days.4. The Service Provider’s response to the complaint is sent to the Service Recipient’s e-mail address provided in the complaint or in any other manner provided by the Service Recipient.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. All content posted on the website at  www.sofiia.org address is protected by  copyright and is the property of Firma Handlowa SOFIIA Sp. z o.o. The Service Recipient bears full responsibility for damage caused to the Service Provider, resulting from the use of any content of the www.sofiia.org website without the consent of the Service Provider.2. Any use by any person, without the express written consent  of the Service Provider, of any of the elements that make up the content and content of the www.sofiia.org website  constitutes an infringement of the Service Provider’s copyright and results in civil and criminal liability.

1. At the request of the Service Recipient, the Service Provider shall make these Terms and Conditions available free of charge in such a way that enables obtaining, reproducing and recording its content using the ICT system used by the Service Recipient.2. The Service Provider informs about specific risks related to the use of the Internet, including the use of Services provided electronically, such as:

– the possibility of receiving spam, i.e. unsolicited advertising (commercial) information transmitted electronically;- the presence and operation of malware, including: computer viruses, i.e. specific software that is able, when executed, to infect files in a self-replicating manner, usually without being noticed by the user; – the presence and operation of worms, i.e. malware capable of self-replication; – Possibility Spyware, which is spyware that spyware that installs itself without your knowledge, consent, or control. – the possibility of being exposed to other unwanted or “malicious” software that performs actions unintended by the user.
3. The Service Provider informs that in order to provide Electronic Services, the Website uses cookies to monitor the Service Recipient’s online activity and collect data on e-mail addresses, the type of software used to browse websites, or browser history. The Service Provider informs that the Service Recipient has the ability to block the possibility of creating them, however, blocking the possibility of creating cookies on the Service Recipient’s device may lead to the loss of the ability to use important functionalities of the Website.


  1. Agreements concluded through the Website are concluded in accordance with Polish law.
    2. In the event of non-compliance of any part of the Terms and Conditions with the applicable law, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply in place of the challenged provision of the Terms and Conditions.  3. The Service Provider reserves the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions.4. In the case of concluding continuous contracts (e.g. provision of an Electronic Service – Customer Account) on the basis of these Terms and Conditions – the amended Terms and Conditions shall be binding on the Service Recipient if the requirements set out in Articles 384 and 384[1] of the Civil Code have been complied with – i.e. if the Service Recipient has been properly notified of the changes and has not terminated the agreement within 14 calendar days from the date of notification. If an amendment to the Terms and Conditions would result in the introduction of any new fees or an increase in the existing ones, the Service Recipient who is a Consumer has the right to withdraw from the agreement. 5. If, on the basis of these Terms and Conditions, agreements of a different nature than continuous contracts are concluded (e.g. Sales Agreement) – the amendments to these Terms and Conditions will be effective after 7 days from the date of their publication on the www.sofiia.org website , and they will not in any way infringe the acquired rights of Service Recipients who are Consumers before the date of entry into force of the amendments to the Terms and Conditions. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions will not affect Orders that have already been placed in the Online Shop at the time of entry into force of the amendments, nor will they affect the concluded, executed or executed Sales Agreements.